Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My Mom

Today is an extra-special day...it's my mother's birthday!!

Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday to my Momma.
Happy Birthday to You!!

I love her...a bunch, and I wish we lived near each other.
We'd be going to Red Lobster for a birthday lunch today if we did, and she'd be ordering Stuffed Flounder! Then we'd go out for some custard ice cream, and afterwards home for a game of Scrabble.
That's what we'd do if we lived near each other!
But we don't. I'll give her a call sometime today...and wish her the best birthday ever!  And I'll thank God for giving me such a great mom.  And I'll miss her...a bunch!

This is my Mom with her grandson Mike, and his godson Brayden.
Brayden is my Mom's newest great grandchild...number 14!
Mike is one of her 14 grandchildren!
I'm the only one of her children who "left home" so she still has a lot of family nearby...and she loves that!

I hope you have an excellent day Mom!
I hope it's just as special as you!!

Visit HERE to see more blog posts about "My Mom".

Thank you to Brayden's mommy for this photo!
I "borrowed" it from her Facebook page.


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom. Hope she had a great day

  2. Awe, I'm so sorry you don't live near your mom. That must be so hard :( , but always a wonderful time when you can come together again. Blessings

  3. I still rely on my mom way too much :) Moms are the best! Glad you got a great one too...I knew you did...cause you are such a great one!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!