One of the praise songs we sang in church today was The Potter's Hand by Darlene Zschech. It's one of my very favorite songs. I love the message it presents. All of my days held in His hands....my life fashioned into His perfect plan. Perfect! I love that. I believe it...but I fight against it...too often.
I rebel, complain, worry and fuss as He shapes parts of my life. I'm certainly not pliable in His hands all the time. In fact, that beautiful vessel that God has planned for my life ~ it dries up, hardens and cracks as I resist the gentle guidance of His hands. Sometimes the vessel has to be crushed and started over. Sometimes there are bumps and other imperfections and a little bit of sandpaper or a sharp knife are needed to smooth the surface.
But the whole time He's crafting the vessel and the whole time I'm resisting, He continues to call me and draw me to Himself. I need to yield to His touch and His shaping of my life.
I'm a little crafty myself. Oftentimes, when I make something, it starts out as a big pile of paper, ribbon, doo-dads and what-not. Actually there's so much stuff on my desk ~ it's hard to imagine that anything worthwhile is going to emerge from the pile. All that stuff gets cut, glued, torn apart and glued again many times. When I'm finished, out of the mess, is my own little masterpiece. That's what God's creating in each of us....a masterpiece! That's why we need to be moldable and pliable and we need to trust that He's creating something more beautiful than we can ever imagine...even when our life seems a mess.

Beautiful Lord wonderful Savior ~ I know for sure all of my days are ~ Held in Your hand ~ Crafted into Your perfect plan ~ You gently call me into Your presence ~ Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit ~ Teach me dear Lord ~ To live all of my life through Your eyes ~ I'm captured by Your holy calling ~ Set me apart ~ I know You're drawing me to Yourself ~ Lead me Lord I pray
Take me, mold me, use me, fill me ~ I give my life to the Potter's hand ~ Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me ~ I give my life to the Potter's hand
1 comment:
Have you ever heard The Potter's House, by Tremaine Hawkins? It's a fantastic song - here's a link to the words.
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