Monday, January 2, 2012

One Little Word

In 2010 I decided that my word of the year would be rest and in 2011 I focused on the word simplify. I had some success focusing on the two words during their respective least for some of each year.  But I discovered that my discipline in re-visiting my words throughout the year disappeared a lot faster than the year itself.  I really want this year to be different!

I started thinking about what my "One Little Word" should be for 2012 about a week ago....and it's been  difficult to make a decision.  But I did and I'm sure it's the very best word for me to focus on for 2012.  Quotes I read on other blogs and the New Year's Day message at my church confirmed that for me.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time,
because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:15-17

"I don’t really want more time;
I just want enough time.
Time to breathe deep, time to see real & time to laugh long,
time to give You glory & rest deep & sing joy…
I just want time to do my one life well."
Ann Voscamp

So my One Little Word is TIME.  I want to focus on my time.  How I spend it. Wisely? Or not so much?  I want to make the best possible use of my time.  The BEST possible use of the time the Lord has given me.

Time to sleep, time to live, time for health, time for Bill, for my children and my grandchildren. Time for friends and food and fun. Time to create, time to read, time to be, time for joy, time for me. Time for now...because the past is done and the future may never come.
Most of all time for Him...time for obedience, time for worship, time for gratitude, time for prayer and time to study. Time to try to know Him as well as He knows me.

I'm linking up with The Lettered Cottage for
This Little Word of Mine.
The Lettered Cottage


  1. This is the most beautiful new year post I've read! I picked up your tradition of choosing a word for the year, I'll have you know. My word is "Clarity".
    But I think your choice of "Time" is excellent too. Happy New year, Marie!

  2. The proper use of time is such an excellent word choice! So much time we just waste away! The conscious effort to be watchful of how we spend our time....that is so good!

  3. I think you chose an excellent word for the year. That is something that I should work on this year as well. I don't always manage my time too wisely

  4. Time is such a wonderful thing and such a blessing I agree. It is so often misused and neglected. Its importance not realized until those we wish to devote more of that time with are no longer a part of our lives. Each time a loved one is lost it makes us remember just how little time there is to devote to each important person in our lives. Making that time to spend with those we love is difficult especially when that person is a distance away. The distance clouds reality and the need to realize that even though we are not there to see it time is passing for those others we love as well. Things that they have done in the past do not come as easy now. Memories of time spent together are from the distance past so little from the now. As you said you need to make time for “now…because the past is done and the future may never come.” We all know this all too well. Good luck with your New Year devotion, may you find that ‘time’ to do all. Love em

  5. That's a great word, and something to really think about. We all beg for more time.
    I also did the one word resolution. I think it's great.

  6. I love your word for this year. Time...something that we never have enough of...time to do and time to enjoy...time with those we love...time to get all of the projects in our head completed-LOL! I wish you time this year to do the things that will give your heart JOY!
    You are one of my favorite people!

  7. Love your word!-I am your newest follower from Layla's party-Stop by for a visit!

  8. May you have enough TIME in 2012!!

    I posted about my word of the year over on my blog if you wish to read about it!!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!