When I was growing up in Detroit, Michigan there were photographers who came into the neighborhoods with ponies and cowboy costumes. The photographers would "tempt" the children with the great costumes and the children would beg their parents for a chance to sit on the ponies. Once the mamas saw how cute their little tikes looked on those ponies they just had to purchase the photos.
This is me ~ the photo (click on it if you'd like to see it larger) was taken in the late fifties in front of my grandmother's house. It brings back many different memories. First of all the pony ride/pose ~ I obviously loved it! Then there's that porch and those beautiful hydrangeas ~ I fell from the porch into the middle of the flowers. I was fine ~ the hydrangeas took a beating! Do you see the "edging" in front of the flower bed? It's actually cement curbing and it edged all the flower beds around the house and it also edged the lawn in the back yard. My dad did all the cement work. We (the cousins) used to have races along the curbs.....from one end to the other. It was great fun!
This picture also reminds me of my grandmother, Emma. She passed away when I was seven. But that was enough time to make some sweet memories. Like "slabs of butter". Sometimes, when she was cooking, she would give my brother and I a slab of butter to eat. We'd hold it in our chubby little hands and then gobble it up. Yum then ~ Yuck now! My grandmother would also give each of her grandchildren a pack of Juicyfruit gum and a quarter when we visited her. Those were the days!

What a lovely photo of you Marie!!
Oh Marie-what an adorable picture of you!!!!! Who could ever resist buying that picture? You always spark a flood of memories with your Monday stories. My Grandmother always gave us Black Jack chewing gum! (she said it would help keep us "regular") I didn't care about regular-I just loved the gum.
I should be good by the 15th to mail. Is that good for you?
Hugs & smiles!
What sweet memories Marie!! And the photo of you on the pony is absolutely precious!!! I can remember my brothers eating butter too...must have been the thing to do :) Memories are precious keepsakes aren't they? xxoo, Dawn
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