Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Little Redheads and a Birthday!

Doesn't this make you want to laugh out loud!

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart..."
Proverbs 15:30

Elijah (age 4) and Caleb (9 months)

Happy Birthday to my daughter-in-law Jacqi!
I hope you have an extra special day!


tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Parabéns e que deus abençoe a todos.

Peggy said...

Those two redheads are too cute! I bet they keep you on your toes, but would you want it any other way? Grand kids are such a blessing.

Anonymous said...

There they are, those adorable red-haired, chubby cheeked grandchilluns!

XO Diane

Ann said...

not only did it make me want to laugh out loud I actually did. So cute. Happy birthday to your daughter in law