I got to spend some time cleaning and sorting in my craft room this weekend ~ some day it will be cleaned and sorted enough to earn the name studio ~ for right now craft room is probably a stretch. Storage room would be more accurate. But, I'm working on it...and I'm rambling.
While working I came across this old Good Housekeeping magazine. It's from November of 1948 and the cost of it was ~ 35 cents! Of course the sorting and cleaning stopped because I had to browse through the magazine. Great stuff!! Did you know that "DUZ does EVERYTHING"? and that you should "use SPRY with cake-improver". (future posts may tell you more about DUZ & SPRY and who knows what else)!
This magazine is full of the neatest, sweetest ads, wonderful stories and all kinds of fun images. The little bits I had time to read had me thinking about the good old days, a simpler life, a slower pace, a time when you got free glasses or dish towels in your box of detergent! Those were the days...those were the good old days!!
I finally got back to the task at hand and after a bit I came across an article I wrote for the newsletter at my church. I wrote it in 1995, at a time in my life when circumstances drove me straight to God and right down to my knees. He was who I thought of first and who I needed more than anything else. As I read over the article I again began to think about the good old days, but in a totally different way.
In the book of Revelations (2:4) Christ shows His displeasure for those believers who've lost that fervent desire they once had for all things God. The excitement wasn't there, they became complacent and indifferent. They did things out of duty rather than out of love for the Lord. They had lost their first love. I think that must happen to a lot of us. Probably more than once or twice. Sometimes we may not even realize it. But more times than not I think we know. I think we begin to experience that longing for a time when each day had joy because each day had Jesus.
Well, I certainly can't go back to 1948 ~ especially since I wasn't born until 1955. I can't get back that kind of simple life or slower pace. However, there is nothing stopping me from returning to the good old days with Jesus Christ. There's nothing stopping me from thinking of Him first and needing Him most and loving Him with all that is in me. Except for desire on my part. My desire is to follow Him ~ I don't want Him to have anything against me.
"Nevertheless I have this against you,that you have left your first love."Revelations 2:4 NKJV
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