It has been a crazy few days around here. I haven't had much time to read any blogs and I haven't had any time to post on my own. Finally things seem to be getting back to the regular chaos that is my life. One good thing about the past several days ~ it produced blog material!
One of our hot water pipes sprung a leak ~ it was leaking for a few days ~ shooting a steady stream of water at the back of a particle board bookcase in my storage room. The bookcase was full of books & games. Fortunately the back of the bookcase absorbed the bulk of the water and only a couple of books had to be disposed of.
As I was sorting through and re-arranging the games I got to thinking about favorite games of my childhood.
Mystery Date was probably my favorite game. Check out the commercial that sparked the desire in me to own this game. It was a Christmas gift ~ and I loved it!

Lie Detector was a great game ~ the pictures of the suspects were so funny! It was another Christmas gift and it was a hit! Here's some info about it.
There were a lot of other games I liked, but these two bring good memories to mind. Are there games from your childhood that you really enjoyed?
Hi Marie,I'm glad you didn't have much damage to your books and games. I have those times when so many things seem to go wrong. My dryer quit on me last Friday. Saturday,I spent time at the laundry mat ,drying clothes.
You never realize how much you will miss something until it's gone...even a clothes dryer(smile). I remember the commercial,but don't think I ever had the game.
Have a blessed week,Shelley
Hi! We just had to fix our hot water heater too - it was leaking a bit but not enough to do any damage yet. Glad to hear yours was pretty contained too!
Just wanted to make sure you received my email listing your ornament swap partner's information. If you did not please check your spam filter - some have been getting stuck in there. If you still don't have it please email me.
Julie from
I love Mondays with Marie! I'm so glad you got lucky with your hot water heater crisis-it could have been a real mess!
The games-O MY GOSH! you made me laugh and laugh!!!! I remember them both! I haven't thought about Lie Detector for years but I had it. I am looking at garage sales for an old Clue know, the one with the metal candlestick and the wrench. I loved that game, too.Thanks for brightening up my Mondays!
Love, Joyce
So sorry that you lost some books. But glad it wasn't worse.
I remember playing Mystery date with my older cousin, Rene, on our summer trips. On my goodness, what memories you've brought back to me!
One game I haven't seen in a while and remember playing with my sister was Masterpiece. In it you would collect famous pieces of art. It was such fun!
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